Memorial Day & The Week Ahead

Tuesday, May 31, 2022 - Happy Memorial Day Week! We have an exciting week ahead in Keene. This morning, the excavator arrived on site to dig the 5-foot trench for our water main. Our pipe has been fused (and toddler tested). On Thursday, we “live tap” the town’s water supply then backfill the trench. Next week, we start excavating the building site. In other news, Little Peaks received a grant from the J.M. McDonald Foundation for our healthy food and food education program. This $5,000 grant will underwrite the development of our kitchen construction and food service preparation.

Over the weekend, we also confirmed our road name! Little Peaks will be 1 Both Meadow Trail. Chosen to honor the foresight of Tom and Alana Both who donated the land to Essex County, the Little Peaks Preschool & Early Childhood Center will be located in downtown Keene across from the Town Office. “Both Meadow Trail” honors the Both family and the natural elements of our site, which is a beautiful sunny meadow with frontage on the Dart Brook. Children at Little Peaks will benefit from the sunny exposure, flat grassy meadow, and natural river frontage for generations to come!

Our community groundbreaking ceremony was rained out last week, but we plan to offer open afternoon site tours on June 14 an August 16. If you want to see the site in the meantime, please reach out to Reid or Annie to schedule a tour. Little Peaks is also sponsoring open community events on:

  • Tuesday, June 14 - Site Tour & Updates

  • Thursday, June 30 - Film Screening at Keene Arts, Starting at Zero

  • Sunday, July 24 - Little Peaks Project Updates at the Keene Valley Library with Childcare & Ice Cream

  • Saturday, August 6 - Keene Valley Congregational Church Bazaar Spin Art

  • Wednesday, August 10 - Ausable Club Casino Presentation & Project Updates

  • Tuesday, August 14 - Site Tour & Updates

Hope to see you there! Stay tuned!

Reid Jewett Smith, Ph.D., Executive Director of Little Peaks


Moving Mountains!


Groundbreaking Week!