Groundbreaking Week!

Monday, May 23, 2022 - We have an exciting week ahead! On Friday, May 27, we’ll celebrate breaking ground on the new Little Peaks Preschool & Early Childhood Center on site in Keene. Our board members, town representatives, volunteers, supporters, neighbors, builders, and friends will gather at 5:00 to toast the beginning of construction on our new center. Last week, work began clearing the road. The water pipe was fused, and this week we anticipate “live tapping” the town water supply for Little Peaks. This afternoon, our general contractor Scotty McClelland and architect Chris White are meeting on site to plant flags for the corners of the building. By the time we convene on Friday, the building site will have been stripped of topsoil and prepared for excavation. This summer, we plan to offer periodic site tours so that we can share our enthusiasm and progress with the wider community. Thank you all for being a part of this project! I’m looking forward to celebrating with you on Friday! Reid

Reid Jewett Smith, Ph.D., Executive Director of Little Peaks


Memorial Day & The Week Ahead


Work Begins in Keene!