Work Begins in Keene!

Monday, May 16, 2022 - Work began on-site in Keene this morning! Our general contractor, Scotty McLelland of Keene Valley, met Peter Gucker on site to begin clearing trees for road construction and building excavation. It was a beautiful, sunny spring morning in Keene; the purple lilacs were blooming, and the Dart Brook was gleaming through the trees. I walked the site with Little Peaks Board Chair Annie Scavo and my two-year-old, Hope. We walked through the meadow to brainstorm road names, taking note of all of the beautiful features of our new property - the meadow, the lilacs, the white pines, the unusual ferns, the dewey grasses, the southern sunlight… it was spectacular. Scotty and Peter meandered around with site plans as tree work began. It was magical to see this project come to life, and it’s going to be amazing to watch this project unfold. Stay tuned! Reid


Groundbreaking Week!
