an excellent exterior

September 12, 2022. During this beautiful fall week, our building is getting wrapped for exterior finishes. Zoom in below to see our green windows going in; the evergreen trim on the windows is designed to compliment the natural wood siding. As siding begins outside, plumbers and electricians are busy inside finalizing placement for sinks, bathrooms, outlets, switches, and lighting fixtures. Little Peaks will have a commercial kitchen, five bathrooms, hand washing sinks in each room, dimmable lights for rest time, and beautiful exterior sconces in addition to our standalone exterior solar lighting. The roof is sealed and shingles go on next week!

Meanwhile, we are gearing up for our Fall Campaign so that we can ask our friends, families, neighbors, colleagues, and cheerleaders to support the Little Peaks project with contributions to get us closer to opening our doors! I am looking forward to doing my part, and I hope that you’ll join me in thinking about how you make a lasting impact on the community.

Until next week…

Reid Jewett Smith, Ph.D.




Roofing in the rain