September 28, 2022. This week, we spotlight the contributions of our GC extraordinaire: Scott McClelland. Scotty, as he’s affectionately known, has been a renowned builder in the region for decades. He and his wife Tracy raised three amazing children in Keene Valley. Scotty has been active in community institutions - from the Mountaineer to the Paddle Courts to Little Peaks - for the past forty years. He and his brother, Vinny, remain the most formidable and fearless backcountry skiers in the High Peaks. Scotty’s infectious warmth, relentless positivity, and local involvement rendered him a de facto community leader long before he stepped up to be the General Contractor on the Little Peaks project.

Scotty came forward two years ago as a volunteer. Over the past twenty four months, he has overseen every aspect of our new center’s design, development, bidding, resourcing, compliance, ordering, hiring, and construction. Even though he is “retired,” he has taken on the management project of a lifetime. Little Peaks is a magnum opus - a testament to his expertise, patience, kindness, dedication, leadership, and knowledge.

The most admirable part, however, is his every day role on site. Scotty’s there with his plans making decisions, coordinating teams - and doing work with his own hands. Always with a pencil behind his ear, Scotty can be found in in the rafters putting in our fresh air system, or outside cutting boards for siding, or inside planting outlets with the electrical team.

It is masterful, inspiring, and educational to watch him work. Little Peaks is the beneficiary of his altruism, and we will always honor his commitment to the health of our community and families of Keene.

It’s people like Scotty that are driving this project forward. Volunteers are at the heart of Little Peaks programming and progress. In the coming weeks, we will launch our Fall Campaign and ask for your support in helping us cross the finish line. Please keep our remarkable volunteers in mind as you think about making a contribution to Little Peaks.

Until next week,

Reid Jewett Smith, Ph.D.


Siding, stain, & spray foam


an excellent exterior