back to school

September 6, 2022. They’re baaaaaack! Our preschoolers and teachers have returned to the Community Center for Little Peaks Preschool 2022-2023. We have eight wonderful kids enrolled in our program this year. In our final year at the Community Center, we are so grateful to the Town of Keene for allowing us to live in this bright and sunny space since our inception in 1993.

After the first day, Katherine Brown reflected that it was a joy to welcome our preschoolers and their families. The personalities and the classroom community are unique each year, but some things remain constant.

At Little Peaks Preschool, we believe in...
the power of play
making friends
solving conflicts with kind and sincere words
learning about nature by getting out and exploring
singing and dancing
celebrating the great diversity in our world
being playful with literacy
learning about science and math using our five senses
asking questions
learning that wisdom begins in wonder

Meanwhile, down the street, our building is preparing for winter! Our four porches are framed and sheathed; our roof is dried in, which means that they underlayment is in place and the interior is dry. Windows and siding start to go in this week, as plumbers, electricians, and HVAC teams go to work prepping the interior finishings.

Stay tuned for construction updates and preschool highlights!

Reid Jewett Smith, Ph.D.


Roofing in the rain
