August 30, 2022. Last week, longtime Little Peaks supporters Steve Amstutz & Mike Peabody volunteered their time to frame the front porch at Little Peaks. As their families looked on alongside Little Peaks teachers and board members, Steve and Mike lifted giant timber beams into place and secured them by hand. In the background, longtime volunteer Scott McClelland was working on another porch while familiarizing a subcontractor with our siding procedure. The site was humming with excitement as exterior details hint at the final product. We are so fortunate to have so many professionals from our community donating their services in kind to this project. Professional architects, lawyers, contractors, educators, insurance agents, grant writers, fundraisers - and now timber framers - have given their time and expertise to this project because they believe in Little Peaks. Together with our fundraising efforts, these in kind gifts are making the Little Peaks project possible.

Next week is back to school! Stay tuned for updates from the opening week at Little Peaks Preschool as it welcomes students back to the Community Center for the last time. Thanks for following along with our story.

Reid Jewett Smith, Ph.D.


back to school
