August 1, 2022. Over the course of the last week, our site has seen incredible progress. One week ago, Little Peaks was a beautiful concrete swimming pool - and today, we have a building. The center has a basement, subfloors on the main level, exterior walls, and interior framing. One can now walk around the building and experience the flow of our center. Our General Contractor, local legend Scott McClelland, is doing a masterful job coordinating construction and overseeing the day-to-day development of the building. The center looks magical from the Dart Brook with the mountains in the backdrop, and it’s so exciting to see how our space interacts with and attends to the natural environment.

Last Sunday, a dedicated group of parents, donors, teachers, board members, vounteers, and neighbors gathered together at the Keene Valley Library to talk about key elements of Little Peaks programming. What began as a community listening event quickly evolved into an organizational strategy session. It was electrifying to see how many people are invested in the future of Little Peaks - and to source their brilliant ideas for our benefit. I am so grateful to everyone who came to share their perspectives, and I look forward to the next community strategy session this September. More is more - and I am so grateful for community guidance and input.

In the interim, Little Peaks would love to see you on Wednesday, August 10 at 6:00 pm at the Ausable Club casino for a public lecture on the state of our campaign. The following week, we’ll be opening up the Construction Site to the community for a Walking Tour of our new building on Tuesday, August 16 at 5:00 pm.

In the meantime, please reach out to Reid if you'd like to tour the site or learn more about the project’s progress.


Little Peaks in the Press


Community Listening Session, Sunday, July 31