October 12, 2022.

Welcome inside Little Peaks! Standing at the back door to the preschool playground, we are just inside the dining area while looking towards the front doors. To our left is the entrance to the preschool classroom, where 16 preschoolers will gather each day for their nature-inspired learning program.

Straight ahead lies our faculty office where teachers will gather for professional development, quiet mid-day moments, and parent conferences. Our double doors lead to a vestibule for the front entrance. To the right of that is a staff alcove on the way to our infant toddler wing. Immediately to the right is our commercial kitchen. Our kitchen will serve 2 healthy meals and 2 simple snacks each day; the kitchen is the centerpiece of our food-and-farm based learning.

Perhaps you noticed that the inside is spotless. Over the long holiday weekend, Little Peaks Board members worked in shifts to clean the interior of materials, sawdust, boxes, and debris in preparation of sheet rocking. Thank you, Little Peaks Volunteers, for contributing your time, energy, and love to this project.

Starting tomorrow, our walls go in and this amazing expanse will be transformed into classrooms, kitchens, and offices. Be on the lookout for this magical transformation in the weeks to come. In the meantime, spread the news that we’ll kick off our Fall Fundraising Campaign next week. We open our hands and hearts to the community ask for support in getting us across the finish line so that we can complete construction, start hiring teachers and enrolling students, funding scholarships, and building our program for mid-2023 opening.


what a difference a week makes!


Siding, stain, & spray foam